Friday, September 14, 2012

See ya in 3 months!

The day has finally arrived!! After what seems like years of anticipation, many tearful goodbyes, and two cancelled flights later, I'm leaving for Tanzania!  I really didn't think this day would ever come but it's here and I couldn't be more excited.  I'm excited for the new and interesting friends I am going to make, I am excited to be exposed to a completely different culture, and I'm really excited to meet each of the beautiful kids I will be working with everyday.

But what I am most excited for is this journey into the unknown.  Sure, I have a basic idea of what I will be doing and where I will be living but for the most part, I know just as little as you do.  I mean, how do you gauge expectations when you find out your address is Sakina Kibanda cha maziwa, house plot #200? Is that real, how do you even pronounce those words!? Oh man, I have made a huge mistake. Just Kiddddding!  These are the types of things that give me that flutter of excitement. I have no idea what to expect and finally for one of the first times in my life, the unknown doesn't really scare me all that much.

Here goes nothing...

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