Purchases for the Orphanage

Below is the final expenses list for the Save Africa Orphanage.  On behalf of the school and myself, thank you for all of your generous donations!!

Expenses for Save Africa Orphanage
 Shillings  Dollars
2 chalk board erasers  3,200  $2.00
Thermos  15,000  $9.38
Scissors  2,500  $1.56
Paper/Tape  10,000  $6.25
Spoons  7,500  $4.69
Pillows  45,000  $28.13
Blankets/Sheets  200,000  $125.00
Cups  12,000  $7.50
Picture Project  10,000  $6.25
Book Store  86,000  $53.75
50 Exercise Books  10,000  $6.25
Soccer Balls  25,000  $15.63
Clothes/Shoes  177,000  $110.63
6 desks for Baby Class  300,000  $187.50
Total:  903,200  $564.50

Out for Lunch #1  22,000  $13.75
Ice Cream #1  13,000  $8.13
Mandazi #1  25,000  $15.63
Rice, Beans, Corn, Flour  80,000  $50.00
Fruit  10,000  $6.25
PB sandwiches #1  16,000  $10.00
Rice, Beans, Corn, Flour, Sugar, Soap, Detergent  194,000  $121.25
PB sandwiches #2  17,000  $10.63
Out for Lunch & Ice Cream #2  114,000  $71.25
Total:  491,000  $306.88

Medical Expenses
Ring Worm Medicine  5,000  $3.13
Bandaids, Childrens Motrin  14,000  $8.75
Hospital Visit  10,000  $6.25
Toothbrushes/toothpaste  86,300  $53.94
Creams for skin rashes  72,000  $45.00
Total:  187,300  $117.06

Edwin- tutor for Nov/Dec  123,000  $76.88
Augustino- tutor for Nov/Dec  123,000  $76.88
Edwin- School at Amani for 1 year  1,062,000  $663.75
Augustino- School at Amani for 1 year  1,062,000  $663.75
Total:  2,370,000  $1,481.25

Field Trip
Mandazi  19,500  $12.19
PB sandwiches/cookies  38,000  $23.75
Dalla Dalla  200,000  $125.00
Entrance fees  148,000  $92.50
Total:  405,500  $253.44

Additional Expenses
ATM expenses  88,883  $55.55
Total:  88,883  $55.55
TOTAL SPENT:  4,445,883  $2,777.59
TOTAL RAISED:  5,359,686  $3,349.80

*The remaining $572.22 is being saved for next years tuition for Augustino and Edwin.

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